I love to watch movies and tv just as much as the next person. And very occasionally I stumble across non-fiction which reshapes that way I perceive the world.
Here are 4 programs that changed my outlook in 2013. If you have a chance to watch them this year (if you haven’t already) maybe they’ll move you too:
Jiro Dreams of Sushi

What would it be like to be the master of something? What is the state of mind required to perform simple practices every day to attain perfection? Jiro Dreams of Sushi represents one person’s dedication to a craft that ripples through generations. If you admire the zen of dedication and commitment, and love to eat Sushi too, you’ll enjoy this documentary. I continue to be struck by the similarities we find in many forms of expertise, where people in completely unrelated fields seek perfection. Visit site.

Is life about getting the best pay, a great car or a job of high status? This documentary reminded me to rethink a lot of things, as well as those activities which provide the most enjoyment and fulfillment. Drawing upon some of the great modern philosophies, such as Mihlay’s Flow, Happy reminds us what it takes to be content, how accessible contenment is all around us, and the perils of not factoring happiness into the fabric of our lives. Visit site.

If you want to see people stretch the boundaries of a sport in ways that are totally unpredictable as well as partly terrifying and partly exhilirating, watch Birdmen. A far cry from adrenalin junkies, the people who pursue this sport (especially ‘proximity flight’) are meditative, intelligent and deeply philosophical. Many seek a closer relationship between themselves and nature. While the sport is not for me, the documentary is a fine example how far people can push the human body and at the same time stretch the imagination. Visit site.
Redesign your brain
When I watched the first episode, that very night I started to teach myself to juggle. I struggled to juggle 3 balls 6 times. Within 3 weeks I could juggle to 100. Redesign your brain is one man’s adventure to challenge himself and rewire his brain in the process. Full of simple exercises we could do daily to expand our brain and extend our capacity, the documentary is a testament to what any of us could do if we put our mind to it. Visit site.